Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Importing laws for people with disabilities

68. 90 or any other Chapter

"Assistive devices, rehabilitation aids and other goods
for disabled, specified in List 41 appended to
notific ation of the Government of India in the Ministry
of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.21/2002-
Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002, [G.S.R. 118(E),
dated the 1st March, 2002]"

1. Below link is the notification for exemption of Central Excise.
You may go to Sl.No. 68 of the notification which explains it. The
list referred in that notification is the same given in Customs
notification. Hope this will clear your doubts.

Shortcut to:
http://cbec.gov.in/excise/cx-act/notfns-2k6/cex0606.pdf2. Pls open

2.the below link and see Sl. No. 370.

To see the list 41, open the link "Lists" on the top right corner of
the notification , you can see B-2 in that list. Now to see the
conditions click on the"Conditions" again on the top right corner of
the notification and go to sl. No. 79. You will have all the
information on wheelchair import. When ever you want to import,
inform me , I will give you the contact. Thanks. Akshat.

Shortcut to:

Source:- http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/SCI-India/

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